Program Logic Evaluation Model The logic model will be used to design and conduct the Impart Program evaluation. The evaluation plan and Trainee Assessment Plan will correspond closely to the five components of the curriculum.
Indicators of Success Impart will be a success if these and other indicators are met:
- The number of Researchers specializing in women and girls increases in BC and Canada
- Impart Researchers find employment in academic, research, policy and practice settings where they apply a gendered approach to the area of women and addictions research
- All Trainees successfully complete Impart and receive the Impart Certificate
- A forum for dialogue continues between policy, researchers and practitioners
- A community of Mentors, Collaborators and Trainees is established.
Trainee Assessment The Trainee Assessment Plan is also under construction and will correspond closely to the four components of the curriculum. Principles of the Trainee Assessment include:
- Self-assessments
- Peer feedback
- Mentor feedback.
Trainee success will be judged by these and other indicators:
- Applies a gendered analysis in relation to addictions research
- Articulates the conceptual relationships between research, policy and practice
- Communicates effectively orally and in writing with a diverse audience
- Demonstrates ethical principles and behaviours in relation to their role in addictions research
- Demonstrates effective interpersonal and team skills
- Manages a research project.
Watch for more details on the evaluation plan!