Michael Krausz, MD, PhD, FRCP

Michael Krausz

Dr. Michael Krausz is from Hamburg, Germany, where he was trained as a psychiatrist at the University Hospital Eppendorf. He worked there in different clinical and research positions in general psychiatry.

In the mid 1990s, he became a founding director of the Centre of Interdisciplinary Addiction Research at the University of Hamburg. In this position he was also responsible for the German heroin trail and a few other European research projects as the European Cocaine Project. For several years he was the Editor in Chief of "European Addiction Research" and "Suchttherapie", two well-established scientific journals.

Dr. Krausz was a founding member of the International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM) and is serving on the board of Section of Addiction of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), among other positions.

His main interests include the comorbidity of severe mental illness and addiction especially psychosis and the use of psychotropic substances and the effective treatment of such conditions. He has published more than 240 scientific papers.

Dr. Krausz was selected for the newly established position as a LEEF Chair in Addiction Research at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in 2005 and moved to Vancouver in early 2007.

He is appointed as Professor in the department of Psychiatry and cross-appointed at the department of Epidemiology and Public Health. He is a founding fellow of the UBC Institute of Mental Health and a member of the Brain Research Centre. In addition, Dr. Krausz is co-chairing a City Expert panel on severe addiction, mental health and homelessness and is involved in advisory activities at the local, provincial and national level.


Michael Krausz, M.D., Ph.D., FRCP
Department of Psychiatry
Faculty of Medicine
University of British Columbia

Phone: 604-806-9113