Lucy McCullough, BSc
Contact Information
Department of Counselling Psychology and Adult Education
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto
252 Bloor Street West
Toronto , ON M5S 1V6
Academic Information
M.A. (candidate), Counselling Psychology
Toronto , ON
Research Interests
I am interested in mandated addictions treatment for women. In particular I intend to explore treatment counsellors' experiences with and understanding of their clients' needs and the therapeutic process as they relate to the treatment objectives and recommendations of the mandate from courts, the ministry of child and family services or other referral sources.
Bell , K., McCullough, L., Bauld, L., Greaves , L. and Richardson , L. (submitted February 2007). The effectiveness of NHS treatments for smoking cessation: A systematic review. Addiction.
Bell , K., Richardson , L., McCullough, L., Devries, K., Jategaonkar, N. and Greaves, L. (submitted February 2007). Location restrictions on smoking: Assessing their differential impacts and consequences. Preventive Medicine.
Poole, N, Greaves L, Jategaonkar N, McCullough L, Chabot C. (forthcoming 2007) Substance Use by Women Using Domestic Violence Shelters. Substance Use and Misuse. Vol 43.
Greaves L., Chabot C., Jategaonkar N., Poole N., McCullough L. (2006) Substance use among women in shelters for abused women and children: Programming opportunities. Canadian Journal of Public Health , Jul-Aug; 97 (5): 388-92. ...abstract in PubMed
Greaves L., Johnson J., Bottorff J., Kirkland S., Jategaonkar N., McGowan M., McCullough L. & Battersby L. (2006) What are the effects of tobacco policies on vulnerable populations? A better practices review. Canadian Journal of Public Health, Jul-Aug; 97 (4): 310-5. ...abstract in PubMed
Poole , N., Greaves, L., Jategaonkar, N., McCullough, L. and Chabot, C. (2006) Connecting Systems, Supporting Change: Transition Houses, Women Experiencing Partner Violence and Substance Use. Centres of Excellence for Women's Health Research Bulletin, 5 (1): 16-19. .full text (.pdf)
Jategaonkar N., Greaves L., Poole N., McCullough L. & Chabot C. (2005) "Still Out There" Experiencing Substance Use and Violence in Rural British Columbia. Canadian Women's Studies, Summer/Fall, 24 (4): 136
McCullough L., Jategaonkar N., Greaves L., Chabot C. & Poole N. (2004). Changes in substance use, violence and stress among women in transition houses in rural areas. Visions: British Columbia's Mental Health and Addictions Journal , 2 : 39-40. .full text (.pdf)
Chik H., McCullough L. & O'Neil M. (2003). OCD with Primary Obsession: Study for a New Treatment at the UBC's Anxiety Disorders Unit. Insights: News for Clinical Counsellors of B.C., 15 (2): 6. .full text (.pdf)
Book Contributions
Poole, N., Greaves, L., Jategaonkar, N., McCullough, L. and Cahbot, C. (2007). Influencing Women's Substance Use: The Role of Transition Houses. In L. Greaves & N. Poole (Eds.), Highs and Lows: Canadian perspectives on women and substance use. Toronto: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. on CAMH website
Greaves, L., Jategaonkar, N. and McCullough, L. (2007). Research Highlight Smoking and Disordered Eating Among Adolescent Girls: Investigating the Links. In L. Greaves & N. Poole (Eds.), Highs and Lows: Canadian perspectives on women and substance use. Toronto: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. on CAMH website
Bell, K, McCullough, L, Greaves, L, Mulryne, R, Jategaonkar, N and Devries, K. (2006). The Effectiveness of National Health Service Intensive Treatments for Smoking Cessation in England: a rapid review. London, UK: National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence.
Bell, K, McCullough, L, Devries, K, Greaves, L and Jategaonkar, N. (2006). Workplace policies for smoking cessation: A rapid review. London, UK: National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence.
Bell, K, Richardson, L, McCullough, L and Greaves, L. (2006). Workplace interventions for smoking cessation: a rapid review. London , UK : National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence.
Greaves L., Horne T., Poole N., Jategaonkar N. & McCullough L. (2005). Quit Smoking Telephone Counselling Protocol for Pregnant and Postpartum Women. Ottawa: Health Canada. ...full text (includes link to pdf)
Greaves L., Johnson J., Bottorff J., Kirkland S., Jategaonkar N., McGowan M., McCullough L. & Battersby L. (2004) Reducing harm: a better practices review of tobacco policy and vulnerable populations . Vancouver , BC : BC Centre of Excellence for Women's Health, 2004.
Greaves L., Poole N., Jategaonkar N., McCullough L., Chabot C., Vanderbijl A. & Cormier R. (2004). Tracking alcohol use in women who move through domestic violence shelters. Vancouver, BC: Report to the British Columbia & Yukon Society of Transition Houses.
Abstracts and Presentations
Bell , K. and McCullough, L. (June 2006). A rapid review of England 's National Health Services Stop Smoking Program. London, UK: National Institute for Clinical Excellence.
Greaves L., Salmon A. & McCullough, L. (June 2006). Supporting Maternal and Child Health: Housing, Shelter and Women's Substance Use and Recovery. Vancouver, BC: Maternal Child Youth Conference.
Jategaonkar N. & McCullough, L. (June 2005). Quit Smoking Telephone Counselling Protocol for Pregnant and Postpartum Women. Ottawa, Ontario: National Conference on Tobacco or Health.
Jategaonkar N., McCullough L, & Chabot C. (May 2004). Tracking Women's Substance Use Before and After the Transition House Experience. Richmond, BC: Annual Meeting of the BC/Yukon Society of Transition Houses.
Dorfan N., McCullough L. & Woody S. (2002). Elicitors of Disgust. UBC, Vancouver, BC: Annual Conference of the Canadian Psychological Association.
McCullough L., Bukach C. & Bub D. (2001). Prosopagnosia: A Case Study. UBC, Vancouver, BC: North American Cognition and Memory Conference.
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