Travis Baker , M.Sc.
My research interests involve the use of electrophysiological measures to investigate the neural and cognitive mechanisms that underlie reinforcement learning principles. more... |
Krista Brown, B.A.
My primary research interests involve examining psychological factors that are implicated in the development, maintenance, and treatment of eating disorders. more... |
Fiona Choi, M.Sc.
My research interests are primarily in the investigation of the neurobiological mechanisms involved in the course of drug addiction, from drug-seeking behavior, to maintenance of drug-taking, to craving and relapse.
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Michelle Coghlan, M.A.
Michelle is interested in sociological and ethnographic studies of drug use and health among vulnerable populations. more... |

Brittany Dixon-Bingham, B.A.
Brittany is interested in research on the health and well-being of marginalized populations. Her primary research interests are Aboriginal health and addiction treatment. more... |
Durwin Foster, M.A.
Foster's current research focus is investigating the process of second stage recovery for men suffering from co-morbid addictions and trauma, via a pilot intervention study. more... |
Erin Gibson, B.A.
I am interested in illicit drug policy issues, the prevention of transmission of HIV and Hep C among people who drugs by injection, determinants of health, reducing recidivism, social network dynamics and differences in gender, inmate health and knowledge transmission. more... |
Matt Graham, M.A.
Current research interests focused on understanding the process of recovery from alcohol dependence as it unfolds within daily life contexts how gender plays a role.
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Marcus Greatheart, B.A.
My current research focuses on female-to-male transgender men, specifically the relationship between social isolation and increased risk for addition and mental health disorders.
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Rebecca Haines, Ph.D.
As a sociologist by training, my main areas research expertise include: the application of critical social theory to the study of health problems; gender and adolescent health; and representations of youth cultural movements and substance use by both media and popular culture discourses. more... |
Kim Hellemans, Ph.D.
My research explores the functional consequences of re-programming of the neural system involved in stress, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. more... |
Rosanna Holehouse, B.Sc.N.
My current research interests include gender and nicotine dependence among individuals living with mental illness and community mental health nurses’ perceptions regarding implementing smoking cessation interventions into their practice. more... |
Lucy McCullough, B.Sc.
I am interested in mandated addictions treatment for women. In particular I intend to explore treatment counsellors' experiences with and understanding of their clients' needs and the therapeutic process as they relate to the treatment objectives and recommendations of the mandate from courts, the ministry of child and family services or other referral sources.more... |
Elizabeth Nosen, M.A.
My research focuses on understanding the psychological processes involved in substance dependence and cessation. Recently, I have been interested in exploring commonalities between anxiety disorders and addictions. more... |
Chizimuzo (Zim) Okoli, Ph.D.
My research centers around factors influencing tobacco use and the physical and behavioural health effects of second hand tobacco smoke exposure. more... |
Nancy Poole, M.A.
Research interest in knowledge translation on women’s health issues, specifically study of the potential of virtual communities of practice as forums. more... |
Jenny Rogers, M.D.
I am currently engaged in a research project to study treatment of seniors with depression and dementia with a focus on alcohol use and gender. more... |
Hajera Rostam, M.A.
My research focuses on cross-cultural psychology and immigrant and refugee experiences. In particular, I am interested in the help-seeking experiences of Canada's ethnic minority immigrants with addiction, with special consideration to gender and ethnicity as contributing factors to substance abuse behavior. more... |
Kate Shannon, M.P.H.
Shannon is coordinator/co-investigator of a participatory-action and interventional research project with substance-using women in survival sex work, in partnership with WISH Drop-In Centre Society in Vancouver. more...
Joanna Sliwowska, Ph.D.
My scientific interests focus on the neurobiology of reproduction and stress. more... |
Kelli Sullivan, M.A.
My research interests include: adolescent health; adolescent girls' smoking; parent-adolescent relations; sex and gender based analysis; and mixed methods research. more... |
Meaghan Thumath, B.Sc.N.
As a Street Nurse in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside my main areas of research are harm reduction, HIV/AIDS, and sexual health in marginalized communities. more... |
Kristina Uban, M.A.
I am interested in gender differences in vulnerability to addiction. Currently, I use an animal model of prenatal ethanol exposure to study a population with alterations in the stress response and an increased propensity for addiction.
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Alan Wood, B.Sc.N.
A member of the Canadian Association of Nurses in AIDS Care and the American Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and more. more... |
This page was last updated on 9 April 2008.