The multidisciplinary Mentoring Team is comprised of Academic Researchers and Scientists from Nursing, Sociology, Psychology, Neuroscience, Medicine and Epidemiology. Key Mentors develop and deliver the core courses of the curriculum and co-lead the research seminar on gender, women and addictions research.
The Mentors supervise and mentor trainees for the duration of their involvement in IMPART, including supervising research projects.
Joan Bottorff, PhD, RN, FCAHS
Dr. Bottorff is Professor and Chair in Health Promotion and Cancer Prevention in the Faculty of Health and Social Development at the University of British Columbia Okanagan. more... |
Cecilia Benoit, PhD
Cecilia Benoit, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Victoria and co-leader of the Women's Health Research Network. more... |
Annette Browne, PhD, RN
Dr. Annette Browne is Associate Professor at the School of Nursing, UBC, a CIHR New Investigator, a MSFHR Career Scholar and a Co-Investigator at NEXUS. more... |
Lorraine Greaves, PhD (Sociology), DU
Dr. Greaves is the Executive Director of the Health System Strategy Division in the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. She is also the former Executive Director of the British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women's Health in Vancouver, BC, Canada. more... |
Clay Holroyd, PhD
Dr. Holroyd is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Victoria. He is a CIHR New Investigator, a MSFHR Career Investigator, and a Founding Fellow of the UBC Institute of Mental Health. more... |
Judy Illes , PhD
Dr. Illes is Professor of Neurology and Canada Research Chair in Neuroethics at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Illes directs the National Core for Neuroethics at UBC and a research team devoted to ethical, legal, social and policy challenges specifically at the intersection of neuroscience and biomedical ethics. more... |
Marvin Krank, Ph.D.
Dr. Krank is the Dean of Graduate Studies and Professor of Psychology at UBC Okanagan. His research focuses on cognitive and learning processes in substance use with a current emphasis on adolescents. more... |
Michael Krausz , PhD
Dr. Krausz's main interests include the comorbidity of severe mental illness and addiction especially psychosis and the use of psychotropic substances and the effective treatment of such conditions. more... |
Bernadette Pauly
Dr. Pauly is an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of Victoria.more... |
Christopher Richardson, PhD
Dr. Chris Richardson's researchinterests involve the use of structural equation modeling to examine emerging tobacco dependence among adolescent populations. more... |
Patricia (Paddy) Rodney, RN, MSN, PhD
Patricia (Paddy) Rodney, RN, MSN, PhD, is an Associate Professor with the University of British Columbia (UBC) School of Nursing. more... |
Amy Salmon, PhD |
A sociologist of health education, Dr. Salmon's research centres on the health information, maternity care, and primary health care needs of women with substance use problems. more... |
Kate Shannon, PhD
Dr. Shannon is an Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia. She is a social and infectious disease epidemiologist with both quantitative and qualitative expertise who leads research on gender, sexual health and HIV/STIs among women both locally and internationally. more... |
Patrick Smith, PhD
Dr. Smith is Vice President of Research, Networks and Academic Development for BC Mental Health and Addiction Services and Head of the Addiction Psychiatry Division, Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia. more...
Victoria Smye, PhD
Dr. Syme's research program focuses on access to mental health and addictions care with particular attention in women's mental health and Aboriginal mental health. more... |
Brenda Toner, PhD
Dr. Toner is a Professor at the University of Toronto and has published and presented on a variety of health related problems that are disproportionately diagnosed in women including eating disorders, anxiety, depression, chronic pelvic pain, chronic fatigue and irritable bowel syndrome. more... |
Ed Taylor
Dr. Taylor is the Director of the Department of Social Work at the University of British Columbia Okanagan. more... |
Colleen Varcoe, PhD
Dr. Varcoe's research interests focus on violence, mental health, Aboriginal health, culture, gender, health services, inequity and ethics. more... |
Joanne Weinberg, MAT, PhD
Dr. Weinberg is a Distinguished University Scholar and Professor in the Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences, an Associate Member of the Department of Psychology and a member of the Brain Research Centre and Graduate Program in Neuroscience at UBC. more... |
Richard A. Young, EdD
Richard A. Young is Professor in the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology and Special Education at the UBC. A Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association, Professor Young interests are in the areas of parent-adolescent interaction, health psychology, and career development. more...
This page was last updated on December 10, 2009.