Nancy Poole
Contact Information
British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
4500 Oak Street E311
Vancouver BC V6H 3N1
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www.hcip-bc.org |
Academic Information
Doctoral student
PhD in Education
University of South Australia
Research Interests
Knowledge translation on women’s health issues, specifically study of the potential of virtual communities of practice as forums that support the collaborative exchange, synthesis and application of knowledge on women’s health, on the part of researchers, service providers, policy makers/enactors and women’s health advocates in a way that improves the lives of women with substance use problems and addictions.
5 Recent Published Refereed Papers
- *Poole, N. (2007). Connecting Virtually: Webcast on women, violence and substance use. Visions: BC's Mental Health and Addictions Journal, 3(3), 25-26. ...link to fulltext (.pdf of journal)
- Greaves L., Chabot C., Jategaonkar N., Poole, N., McCullough L. (2006). Substance use among women in shelters for abused women and children: Programming opportunities. Can J Public Health. 97(5):388-92. ...abstract on PubMed.
- Poole, N. (2006). Doing It All: Developing Integrated Support for Women Experiencing Mental Health, Trauma-related and Substance Use Problems. Research Bulletin, Centres of Excellence for Women's Health, 5(1), 21-22. ...fulltext (html).
- Poole, N., Greaves, L., Jategaonkar, N., McCullough, L., & Chabot, C. (2006). Connecting Systems, Supporting Change: Transition Houses, Women Experiencing Partner Violence and Substance Use. Research Bulletin, Centres of Excellence for Women's Health, 5(1), 16-18. ...fulltext (html).
- Greaves L. & Poole, N. (2005) Victimized or validated? Responses to substances-using pregnant women. Canadian Woman Studies Journal, Volume 24, Number 1, 87-95. ...link to journal webpage.
Books in press
- Poole, N., & Greaves, L. (Eds.). (2007 in press). Highs and Lows: Canadian Perspectives on Women and Substance Use. Toronto, ON: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
Book Chapters
- Poole, N., McLellan, D., & Almquist, V. (2005). Alcohol, Tobacco and other Mood Altering Drugs. In The Boston Women's Health Collective (Ed.), Our Bodies, Ourselves (35th Anniversary ed., pp. 45-56). New York: Simon & Shuster. ...link on Amazon.com.
- Cormier, R., Dell, C.A. & Poole, N. (2003). Women and Substance Use Problems. Women’s Health Surveillance Report. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Institute for Health Information. ...full text (.pdf)
5 Recent Technical Publications (authored)
- Stockwell, T., Reist, D., Balfour, K., Poole, N. & Tupper, K. (March 2006). Following the Evidence: Preventing Harms from Substance Use in BC. Victoria, BC: British Columbia Ministry of Health....full text (.pdf)
- Poole, N. & Loock, C. (2005). Guidelines for Alcohol Use in the Perinatal Period and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (2005). Vancouver, BC: British Columbia Reproductive Care Program.
- Poole, N.& Dell, C.A. (2005). Girls Women and Substance Use. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. ...full text (.pdf)
- Poole, N., & Pearce, D. (January 2005). Seeking Safety, An Integrated Model for Women Experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Abuse: A Pilot Project of the Victoria Women's Sexual Assault Centre, Evaluation Report. Victoria, BC: Victoria Women's Sexual Assault Centre.
- Poole, N., Horne, T., Greaves, L., Chovanec, D., & M. Watkins. (2004). Windows of Opportunity: A statistical profile of substance use among women in their childbearing years in Alberta. Edmonton, AB: Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission, 1-123. ...full text (.pdf)
Presentations (2007)
I am involved in face-to-face province-wide knowledge translation related to prevention of substance use during pregnancy, related to the ActNow BC Healthy Choices in Pregnancy initiative. In the course of this work, I make up to 8 presentations per month with physicians, nurses, addictions workers, violence workers, pregnancy outreach providers, social workers and many other community based professionals. In addition, I regularly facilitate virtual sessions on women and substance use issues with nationally based participants as a part of a national project funded by Health Canada under the Drug Strategy Community Initiatives Fund, entitled Coalescing on Women and Substance Use, Linking Research Practice and Policy. The following 9 selected presentations are illustrative of other types of presentations recently completed.
- Poole, N. & A. Salmon. FASD Prevention from a Women’s Health Determinants Perspective: The Work of the Network Action Team of the Canada Northwest FASD Research Network, Meeting of the Canadian Northwest FASD Partnership held in conjunction with The 2nd International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Research Policy and Practice Around the World. Victoria, BC., March 10, 2007
- Espinoza, Y., Poole, N., & Clifford, D. Combining Care: Enhanced Maternity Care at BC Women's Hospital, The 2nd International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Research Policy and Practice Around the World. Victoria, BC., March 10, 2007.
- *Poole, N. Prevention of FASD: Linking Research Practice and Policy through Virtual Collaboration, The 2nd International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Research Policy and Practice Around the World. Victoria, BC., March 8, 2007.
- Poole, N., & Urquhart, C. Pregnancy and Substance Use: Supporting Health Care Providers and Women through Research and Education, The 2nd International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Research Policy and Practice Around the World. Victoria, BC., March 7, 2007
- Poole, N., Urquhart, C., Shanks, J., Smith, F., Fuller, A., Nelson, J., Richter, A., deMarchi, G., Clifford, D., Cailleaux, M., Prince, E., Christie, J. Dubik, M. FASD Prevention: Canadian Achievements and Perspectives, The 2nd International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Research Policy and Practice Around the World. Victoria, BC. March 7, 2007.
- Greaves, L., Poole, N., & Salmon, A. Gender Based Analysis and Mental Health, Timely Access to Care: Gender Issues. Ottawa, ON., March 1, 2007
- * Poole, N. Virtual Knowledge Exchange and Research Collaboration, Winter Institute, Women's Health Research Network of BC. Vancouver, BC., February 9, 2007
- Poole, N. Overview of the state of gender, women and addiction research in Canada Winter Institute, Women's Health Research Network of BC. Vancouver, BC., February 9, 2007
- Poole, N. & Urquhart, N. Harm Reduction Counselling with Pregnant Substance-Using Women - How are we doing it? Risks, Rewards and Responsibilities Conference, Association of Substance Abuse Programs, Richmond, BC, January 25, 2007.
Girls Women and Substance Use
Gender Matters: Coalescing on Women and Substance Use (p. 16-18)
Connecting Systems, Supporting Change: Transition Houses, Women Experiencing Partner Violence and Substance Use
Healthy Choices in Pregnancy
*indicates IMPART-related work
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This page was last updated on July 9, 2007.