To enable both a perspective change and a bridge between research, policy and practice, the IMPART curriculum applies the following principles:
- Interactive learning
- Mutual respect
- Practice-oriented research training
- Action learning
- Reflective dialogue
- Transformative learning methods
A Vision of Blended Learning
IMPART incorporates a blended learning model that draws upon face-to-face instruction, facilitated dialogue, videoconferencing, online learning and field experiences to provide an interactive and integrated learning experience for Trainees, Mentors and Collaborators. Through use of communication technologies, IMPART is available to trainees both locally and at distant locations.
Trainees who are not located in the Vancouver Lower Mainland participate in IMPART training activities by:
- videoconferencing – all IMPART seminars are held in videoconferencing facilities
- online learning – the IMPART core course on Women, Gender & Addictions is a self-directed, online course using WebCT
- online collaboration – the IMPART WebCT site is also used to facilitate group collaborations
- annual retreat – all IMPART trainees attend the annual IMPART retreat in Vancouver
Fusion Model
Fusion: A model for integrated health research Drs. Lorraine Greaves and Penny Ballem (2001)
British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women's Health
Fusion ( PDF 1.01MB) is a model for integrated health research provides the conceptual framework for an integrated approach to the study of gender, women and addictions research. The scaffolding of cross-sector partnership, multidisciplinary, mixed methodologies, reflexivity and dissemination of knowledge provides a useful heuristic for facilitated dialogue between health and clinical scientists, researchers, service providers and policy experts.
A cornerstone of IMPART is the mentoring relationship provided by the Mentors who represent a range of disciplines including Neuroscience, Nursing, Sociology, Psychology and Epidemiology.
A primary Mentor is assigned to each successful applicant for the duration of the program. In addition, all IMPART trainees have access to the entire group of Mentors during research seminars and off-site learning opportunities. The Mentors offer guidance and support in the following areas:
- individualized IMPART learning plan development
- conceptualizing research projects
- encouraging questions & discussions about research
- assistance with funding proposal
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This page was last updated on June 22, 2007.