Research projects currently underway by IMPART trainees
- Identifying the underlying neurobiology of the effects of amphetamine- and cocaine-induced sensitization in neonatal rat pups, as well as the long-term effects of preweanling MDMA exposure, including sex-differences involved (Fiona Choi)
- Applying feminist theory and gender analysis to studying the characteristics of and dynamics related to substance use, health, social, and sexual risk behaviours among women who use crack cocaine in Victoria (Michelle Coghlan)
- Identifying barriers that incarcerated Aboriginal women face in utilizing necessary mental health and substance abuse services (Brittany Dixon)
- Understanding how gender plays a role in the process of recovery from addiction as it unfolds within daily life contexts (Matthew Graham)
- The relationship between social isolation and increased risk for addition and mental health disorders in female-to-male trangender men (Marcus Greatheart)
- Applying critical social theory to the study of health problems; gender and adolescent health; and representations of youth cultural movements and substance use by both media and popular culture discourses (Rebecca Haines)
- Investigating in how prenatal alcohol exposure influences neurobehavioural markers of addiction and depression, and whether these changes are dissociable by sex (Dr. Kim Hellemans)
- Exploring gender and nicotine dependence among individuals living with mental illness and community mental health nurses' perceptions regarding implementing smoking cessation interventions into their practice (Rosanna Holehouse)
- Identifying factors and themes that relate to counsellors’ experience, interest and self-efficacy in treating women mandated for addictions treatment (Lucy McCullough)
- Examining the association between secondhand smoke exposure and emerging tobacco use and dependence among youth, particularly in the area of tobacco use initiation.
(Dr. Chizimuzo Okoli)
- Research in the area of knowledge translation on women’s health issues in a way that improves the lives of women with substance use problems and addictions (Nancy Poole)
- A survey of alcohol use and quality of life in men and women with early Alzheimer’s dementia being treated for major depression with an antidepressant medication (Dr. Jenny Rogers)
- Examining social, structural and environmental barriers to HIV prevention and access to care among women in survival sex work (Kate Shannon)
- Investigating the interactions between the female ovarian hormones (estradiol and progesterone) and the stress hormone, alterations in serotonergic systems and modulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis in rats prenatally exposed to alcohol (Dr. Joanna Sliwowska)
- Examining the social context and meaning of mother - daughter smoking from an interdisciplinary perspective. (Kelli Sullivan)
- Research in the areas of harm reduction, HIV/AIDS, and sexual health in marginalized communities, including women engaged in sex work, men who have sex with men, Aboriginal people and drug users (Meaghan Thumath)
- How activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis interacts with the dopaminergic reward pathway, and how this may lead to an increase in vulnerability to addiction (Kristina Uban)
- Examining the impact of a nurse-provided safer injection education curriculum as an intervention to support a peer-driven harm reduction training program for persons requiring assistance with illicit drug injection in Vancouver (Alan Wood)
Research projects conducted by past IMPART trainees include:
- social, political and economic factors in women’s addictions (Vicki Bungay)
- participatory action research with women to identify indicators of successful treatment programs (Lynda Dechief)
- neurobiological mechanisms of relapse and drug-seeking behaviour (Dr. Carine Dias)
- psychosocial factors in eating disorders and substance use in women (Dr. Erin Dunn)
- parenting environments and infants with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) (Lenora Marcellus)
- real vs. simulated resiliency in addictions treatment: implications for incarcerated women (Sherry Mumford)
- relationship of predictor variables and mental health symptoms and drug use among firefighters (Lisa Robinson)
- eating disorders and addiction treatment programs (Kim Williams)
This page was last updated on 13 December 2007.